Rules you cannot break in preparation to your wedding day!

13 Mar 2017 | Wedding, Wedding Planner

When getting hitched there are many rules you are allowed to bend, break or completely oppose, however some are there to be strictly followed no matter what. Take a look at what we think are the top rules that should not be broken!

1. The invitation stage

Do not invite people to your hens and bachelors parties if you are not planning on inviting them to your wedding. Make sure not to send invites via a text or facebook message, everyone likes to receive a nice and traditional wedding invitation. If you know it, make sure to add in the name of your guestsÕ plus one – they will feel more included with such a small gesture.

2. The Marriage license

In reality, to get married in Malta there are a number of legalities that require to be covered. Around three months prior to the wedding, the couple must have sorted all Church Wedding and Civil Banns. With a church wedding we strongly recommend that the couple gets guidance from the priest the second that the church and the priest are booked for the wedding. In case of a Civil Wedding, the wedding Banns need to be registered with the Public Registry, more guidance on this can be found by clicking here.

3. Ta Cana

If you opted to get married in a church, the Cana courses are a must and all couples need to sit through them. For further guidance on the Cana course you can take a look at the Cana Movement website. If a member of the couple is of a foreign nationality and would like to get married in a church it is also advised to speak to the Emigrants Commission, further guidance can be found by clicking here.

4. Make time for Thank Yous

Make sure to send out a thank you card/message to all guests giving you wedding gifts.

5. Feed your vendors

All the people helping you in making your wedding day one to remember have invested a whole lot of time and energy in its preparation. Make sure that you coordinate with your caterers to supply vendors with some food to energise them for the remainder of the day.

By Nicole Borg

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