The Ultimate Honeymoon Guide: Travel Tips

15 Feb 2024 | Honeymoon

The build-up to a wedding is full of excitement, but the fun doesn’t end when you say ‘I do’. In fact, once the wedding planning stress is over, couples tend to feel much lighter, happier, and more free in their love bubble. It’s called the Honeymoon period for a reason, and there truly is no better time to travel

Honeymoons are a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and it’s worth investing time and resources to make it a trip to remember. A dream holiday takes careful planning and consideration, and a lack of attention to detail can lead to disappointment. After the long build-up to the trip, you won’t want anything to put a damper on your experience!

In this article, we’ll share our top tried-and-tested tips to get you ready for a memorable honeymoon trip. Let’s dive right in:

Plan Ahead

The most important tip we can share with you is to give yourself plenty of time for planning – way more than you think you’ll need. As a couple, sit and write down your dream holiday ideas. Then discuss your ideas together and see whether you’re on the same page. Ask yourselves the following questions:

  • Where would I like to visit?
  • When would be the best time to take this trip?
  • How much am I able to budget for this trip?
  • What bucket-list experiences will I be able to tick off on this trip?
  • How would I like to feel on this trip?

If you and your better half are interested in the same kind of holiday, you’re off to a great start. If one of you would like an adrenaline-packed holiday filled with activities like sky-diving and trekking, while the other would prefer a beach holiday with plenty of spa time packed in, then you’ll need to work a little harder to find a solution that suits you both…

This is why planning ahead is super important. The more time you allow yourselves to plan, the more likely you are to be able to create an itinerary that both of you will love!

Destination is Everything

They say that company is the most important thing when travelling, but choosing the right destination is a close second! The destination you choose will be closely linked to your budget, time of travel and duration of the trip.

Keep in mind that some destinations are best visited during specific seasons, as the last thing you want is to find out that bad weather has interrupted your romantic getaway plans!

Get the Timing Right

Nowadays, more and more couples are choosing not to embark on their honeymoon straight after their wedding. This gives you more flexibility to choose the best time to travel, allowing you more flexibility when choosing a honeymoon destination!

When planning your honeymoon, you may want to avoid the busiest travel seasons such as school holidays and Christmas. This will give you more space to enjoy each other’s company, away from crowds of families and children! If you’re a soon-to-be newlywed, shoulder seasons could become your new best friend.

Budgeting and Honeymoon Registry

It may be the least romantic part of honeymoon planning, but it’s also one of the most important ones: Budgeting.

There’s no use in crafting an incredible itinerary that will leave you with little extra cash to enjoy yourselves. So, before you begin planning, decide how much you can both afford to spend. Once that’s out of the way, think about where you would rather splurge, and what you can afford to save on. For example, if your dream destination is far away, spending on flights is non-negotiable. However, you can always save a bit extra by booking your flights a few months in advance! If you’re planning on heading to a fancy European city, spending more money on 5-star accommodation or gourmet meals may be a priority for you. In this case, you may be able to find budget-friendly flights.

As part of your wedding planning, you can also include a honeymoon registry to help offset the costs of your dream trip. By putting wedding gifts into a honeymoon fund, you can make saving for your trip even simpler.

A Sweet Honeymoon Surprise

Whether it’s packing your beloved’s favourite treats for the plane journey, or organising a surprise massage upon your arrival – little surprises go a long way. The type of surprise you plan should take into consideration your partner’s interests and personality type, so do your research well!

While you’re at it, why not let the hotels and restaurants that you’ll be visiting know that it’s your honeymoon? They might throw in an extra surprise for the both of you to enjoy.

Treasure the Memories

While you’re enjoying your honeymoon, don’t forget to record the memories so that you’ll have something to look back on for years to come. While using your mobile phone to take photos is a great option, you can also consider taking a professional camera or a disposable film camera with you, or organising a photoshoot during your trip!

Do you need any help planning your big day? The team at MYWeddingPlanner is here to do just that! Contact us to find out how we can help you turn your dreams into reality.

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