The First Meeting

10 Sep 2017 | Wedding, Wedding Planner

Meeting Emma & Lia

This was the beginning of a fantastic journey; when Emma answered yes to Liam’s nervous question, and expectancy hung sharp in the air. The answer was as obvious as their love, no less, and so their adventure began.

I’d be lying if I said that this preparatory journey would be easy.

The solution to their questions however lay within Josette, our Wedding Planner’s answers, thankfully. And so the couple set a date for their first meeting with their chosen one, Josette.

I sat down together with Josette waiting for the couple to arrive, so that as a team we could bond with the pair, as well as to sit and discuss their expectations of their wedding. I, as the author of this blog, am not involved with the planning of weddings, but shall be over the course of the next year and a half discussing with you as future brides, grooms, and bridal party members, the ins and outs of wedding planning down to the very last detail of preparation for all those involved. This blog shall thus provide you with first-hand experience of what wedding planning is like, the step-by-step processes one must go through in planning a wedding, as well as discussing emotions, coping strategies, as well as providing you with advice, help, and tips from bridal party members who have been our clients and friends, along the way. Getting married is not an easy task, but I assure you that I am here to help.

And so we saw our enamoured young couple waltz into the coffee shop, sit down, and happily introduce themselves. We exchanged introductions, as well as the cliché ‘kemm ghamlet shana illum! Donnu qatt m’hu se jhallina s-sajf!’, and began our discussion.

With a sparkle in her eye, Emma began saying how it’s been her childhood dream to have a luxury wedding, with a beautiful shimmering white dress, Jimmy Choo sparkling heels, and flowers everywhere. This was soon interrupted by her fiancé’s charismatic giggle, and an under-breath ‘typical’. I must admit, I giggled. Although I am currently not in a relationship myself, I found myself admiring the duo before me, as I felt myself relate to this Bride-to-be, as it seemed we had a lot in common, as well as found myself thinking that this is the kind of love I would want to find.

He cut my train of thought off by saying, ‘She’s been thinking about Victoria Swarovski’s wedding ever since it happened, with all the gems, the luxury, and riches,’ where he cut himself off by adding a Maltese comment, ‘hasra li ma nistax nifhem min fejn ha ngib il flus biex nikkuntenha! Gabitni qisni bank bla qies!’ Admittedly, all the women at table laughed, more so because we knew we could relate. Josette with reassurances softer than a cloud of cotton candy on days where a girl could crave sugar the most, added, “That’s why I’m here sweetie; to guide you into reaching common grounds for compromise,” and cheekily stole a weighty glance at Emma, “without throwing your budget overboard!”

Josette took it upon herself to cut off the clamor by declaring, “Ma ninsewx lil Liam, ta!” when she added, “So, tell us about yourself.” Emma immediately cut him off short, before even giving him the chance to explain it all for himself; “From IT engineering, to the gym, to home watching football, and then, whatever extra time he has he spends it with his books!” And that is when Liam got defensive, “You aren’t that far! You go from the counting numbers and budgets for luxury travelers, to the gym, sometimes dance, or most probably shopping, unless you’re traveling; pity the way you budget for a living, yet fail to ever budget your own overspending on clothes! And when you are actually home, you’re working on that prized novel of yours.” As any woman in love would do, she used her strengths as his weaknesses, “My writing is the reason you fell in love with me,” and she silenced him by stealing a kiss, ‘right after I caught your eye wearing my Miu Miu cady dress! You thought I was the cutest girl in the world,’ to which he responded by blushing beetroot.

I must cut off my recount of afternoon tea with the young couple here, for I fear my blog might become far too cheesy. For us as a Wedding Planner team, we must fully observe the couple’s mannerisms, characteristics, and jokes, in order for us to get to know them and understand them better, for us to provide the pair with options we think are best, as well as reassuring them of their decisions as well as fears, and tie loose ends or solving issues whenever necessary. A good planner is there to guide you through the planning process like a catalyst, and not to do the work for you. Hence they not only become your help, but your best friend throughout the journey.

Let me know if there’s anything else you need help with!

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